A Groom for Linda (The Blizzard Brides Book 4) Read online

Page 8

He grinned a huge smile. “That’s true. Believe it or not Missus Darcy, I have fallen in love with you and I believe I have made some other decisions lately.”

  “Oh, and what are they?”

  “Well, I’ve been taking care of the prisoners in the jailhouse and I’ve been walking the town three times a day, making sure everything and everybody is all right.” He looked into her eyes. She melted into his. “I believe I’ve been acting the part of sheriff. I don’t see any reason why I cannot take on the role in truth.”

  “But, what about the bounty hunter job? What about your quest to prove you ‘get your man?’ What about—”

  He smothered her next questions with his lips. He kissed her long and hard. She kissed him back. Their passion unfurled and they continued to express all they had not said over the past several days. Finally, they broke apart. Breathing had become more important than expressing their passion. Panting, they looked at each other. “You mean it?” Linda heaved the words desperately trying to replenish the air to her lungs.

  “Yes. I do.”

  “You already said that.” She laughed.

  He chuckled. “Yes, I did.” He kissed her again until they stopped in front of the hotel. She looked out the window of the carriage. “Why here? My house is the next block over.”

  “Because, Missus Darcy, I want to do this part right. The way you would expect it to be done.”

  Linda felt a blush fill her face. She smiled. “All right.”

  He took her hand and helped her from the carriage. “Tonight, I will prove to you that I meant every word I said and my heart is forever yours. Tonight and always, I am the groom for Linda.”



  Personal Note from the Author

  In case you do not know, Cairn is pronounced like “Karen.” It’s a funny story how this character got his name from the muses who told me this story. You see, I have a Cairn Terrier named Charlie. Thus: Charlie T. Cairn came into existence in this Blizzard Bride Series. (Snicker.)

  AND… Michael Darcy was also named after one of my dachshunds. His name is Darcy. But he’s not directly named after Mrs. Austen’s Mr. Darcy. However, indirectly he is. I wrote a story in my series Gunther City Mail Order Brides titled Dixie’s Dachshund. The dog in that book was named after Mr. Darcy. Around the time I was writing Dixie’s Dachshund, our female dachshund delivered three pups. The male, we named after Dixie’s pup. He was not chosen for adoption and after 16 weeks, our hearts couldn’t let him go. Thus, Darcy became a member of our dachshund gang.

  Our main female character is named in honor of one of my super fans whose name is Linda. Stick around me very long, and you will find yourself in one of my books!

  About the Author

  Lynn Donovan is an author, playwright, and director who spends her days chasing after her muses trying to get them to behave long enough to write their stories. The results are numerous novels, multi-author series, anthologies, dramatizations, and short stories.

  Lynn is a co-host on a local AM radio show, KRLN 1400, called Write Time Radio where she and her co-host air old-time-radio dramas, narrations, excerpts and poems written by local writers, including herself.

  Lynn enjoys reading and writing all kinds of fiction, paranormal, speculative, contemporary romance, and time travel. But you never know what her muses will come up with for a story, so you could see a novel under any given genre. All that can be said is keep your eyes open, because these muses are not sitting still for long!

  Oops, there they go again…

  You can learn more about Lynn on her blog, follow her on Twitter @MLynnDonovan, Facebook Author page at LynnDonovanFGG and her website LynnDonovanAuthor.com.

  Follow me on BookBub.

  For more publications by Lynn Donovan go to:



  Thank you to everybody in my life who has contributed in one way or another to the writing of this book. My husband, my children, my children-in-law, and my grandchildren. You all are my unconditional fans. My BETA reader and grammar guru who make me look gooder than I am. [Bad grammar intended.] My fellow author friends who chat with me daily to exchange ideas, encourage, maintain sanity, and keep me from being a total recluse/hermit.

  Mostly I thank God for the talent he has given me. I hope to hear you say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” when I cross the Jordan and run into your arms—Many, many years from now. :).

  Newsletter and a Free Gift for You

  Hey! Thank you for purchasing and reading my book, A Groom for Linda, The Blizzard Brides Series. I’d like to give you a parting gift to show my appreciation. Sign up for my newsletter here. I will send you an e-copy of a collection of short stories I wrote purely for your entertainment. I will happily send you this e-copy for FREE, if you ask. I will also add you to my NEWSLETTER list and you will receive up-to-date information on new release before anyone else.

  This book will not be sold anywhere, at any time, I am keeping it exclusively for you, my readers, and only if you ask for it.

  Thank you again, and God Bless.

  ~Lynn Donovan

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